Server and resident proxies – main differences


серверные & резидентные прокси

Server proxies and resident proxies are two types of servers, with some differences. For example, the place of installation, security level, geographical location. In addition, the connection speed and the tasks that are performed with their help differ. But for this we need to understand why an IP address is necessary and why it should be changed.

1. Importance of IP-addresses

IP addresses play a fundamental role in network communication, identifying the device in the network, with the registration of location, which facilitates the exchange of information and variability of content personalization. The main criteria are:

  • Private Identity. Each device connected to the Internet specifies its own IP address. It acts as an identifier, allowing other devices and servers to know where to send data.
  • Routing and communication. IP addresses help determine the path that data must take from the sender to the receiver.
    Network security. IP addresses are used to clear traffic and create security rules. Blocking or restricting access to specific IP addresses can help prevent intrusions and attacks.
  • Servers and hosting. By linking domain names to conditional IP addresses, users gain access to websites, email servers, and other online resources.
  • Analytics and tracking. IP addresses are used to track users’ online activities. This helps in marketing, analytics and in providing personalized services.

Thus, IP addresses act as the backbone of the internet, ensuring communication and information sharing between devices, while creating a secure connection, a chance to track it, providing a customized information flow.

2.1 What are resident proxies?

We can say about resident proxies that they are servers with a physical location in a specific country or region. They are used to bypass geographical restrictions that are imposed on specific web resources or services. They are useful for marketing companies, researchers, testers and those who want to access web content with narrow parameters of a specific location, which closes it to another country or region. Resident proxies maintain complete privacy of network activities, while opening the desired content.

2.2 Operation of resident proxies: peculiarities and disadvantages

Resident proxy servers use registered IP addresses of devices and ISPs, which provides reliability for specific tasks. Using resident proxies, pros and cons are determined by each user separately, but there are also common criteria.


The features include:

  • IP address authenticity. Demonstrate the authenticity of the address, it is more difficult to be detected by sites and services that check the presence and block proxies;
  • Reliability. Original devices and Internet connections provide reliable communication, reducing the risk of blocking or restricting access;
  • Suitable for specific tasks. Useful when working with websites or services that block access due to excessive use of proxies.

But there are still drawbacks:

  • Speed. Slower compared to other types of proxies because of the use of real devices and connections;
  • Price. Expensive as they require support from ISPs;
  • Limited geolocation choices. Available in a limited number of locations due to reliance on real devices;
  • Not suitable for anonymity. Do not provide a high level of anonymity because they use real IP addresses.

Resident proxies are useful in certain server scenarios, but their effectiveness may depend on the specific task and user requirements. Despite the disadvantages, they are a reliable and practical type of connection, especially for companies involved in marketing and researching a market that is inaccessible without proxies.

3.1 What are server proxies

Server proxies are intermediate proxies used as intermediaries or routers. They serve to redirect requests from clients to servers, as well as filter, cache, and secure data. In addition, perform a variety of functions including:

  • Request redirection. Which improves network performance and efficiency.
  • Caching. Keep copies of the data received from servers and provide it to clients when they request it again. This reduces response times and reduces network load.
  • Filtering. Control user access to specific resources or sites, blocking unwanted content, viruses or other malicious programs.
  • Data encryption. Ensure the security of transmitted data, protecting information from unauthorized access and eavesdropping.
  • Load balancing. Evenly distribute requests across multiple servers to ensure performance and availability.

Mobile Proxy can be deployed either client-side (local) or server-side (remote). Local ones control network requests initiated by installed programs. While remote ones serve as an intermediate device between client-server connections.

разница между серверными и резидентными прокси

3.2 Operation of server proxies: peculiarities and disadvantages

The principle of operation is based on an intermediate server, which acts as an intermediary between the device and the Internet. The general stages of operation are:

  • connection establishment;
  • redirecting requests;
  • forwarding to a remote server;
  • receiving a response;
  • forwarding the response to the device.

The principle of operation is simple and effective for both companies and private users.

Features include:

  • Performance. Provides smooth operation, thanks to high-speed connections and optimized settings;
  • Scalability. Increases traffic volume by providing access to more users;
  • Wide range of geolocations. Useful for tasks related to circumventing geographical restrictions;
  • Stealth. Provide anonymity by hiding the registered IP address.


Minuses manifest themselves in the process of work, but this does not happen often if you choose proven providers that control traffic:

  • Blocking and restrictions. Some sites block IP addresses of proxy servers due to attempts to bypass restrictions or protect against abuse;
  • Speed and latency. Some proxies are slower due to more users and other factors;
  • Cost. Server proxies are expensive, mostly if extensive traffic volume or specialized features are required.

Proxy servers are common for providing anonymity, bypassing geographical restrictions, and improving security, depending on the specific use case and the quality of service provided.

4. Difference between server and resident proxies

The difference between server and resident proxies is obvious – two types of proxy servers with distinctive parameters and features:


server (remote) – placed in remote locations and used to redirect traffic between the client and the server. They provide security, control and management of access to conditional resources on the network, to speed up the loading of web pages and reduce the load on servers;


resident (client) – run on client devices. They are used for IP address masking, bypassing resource access restrictions and improving security, speeding up content downloads and reducing network load.


The main difference is the location and role of the server. Both types of proxy servers can be used for a variety of purposes depending on specific requirements. Each of them solves the set tasks, within the framework of its own functionality.

5. Which type of proxy to choose

Which type to choose for yourself – server & resident proxies depends on several factors. First of all, you need to determine what you need it for. Resident ones are more suitable for minimizing blocking as they use original IP addresses, making them less suspicious. Server-based ones provide performance and geolocation variability. Therefore, contact LTESocks, where managers will offer a suitable proxy server option based on your planned activities and objectives.

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